Is our Privacy intact in the internet era?
Gone those days when we keep our doors and windows closed to sit back and stay relaxed while at home; and we also feel very safe in our personal rooms thinking that no one is stealing our privacy. Now we are inhabitants of a virtual world which is surrounded by tech crawls. We also feel proud about having n number of gadgets. Needless to say that, these tech stuffs have made our life easier; we are using the gadgets round the clock from setting alarm in the morning, reading e-newspaper, checking email updates, setting reminders for the day, follow the drive mode in maps, taking selfies and posting them into social networking sites. The list never ends. In this changed lifestyle, are we keeping our privacy intact? Most of us are thinking that, we are having a good privacy because have got the best gadgets with latest OS and robust antivirus software. We aren’t safe, in other words we are much more vulnerable to lose our privacy. How to protect our priv...