A Mall and the Teen-Aged Girl
A mid-age woman, a young lady carrying a 6 months old baby entered into the mall. Followed by a 12-13 years teen-age girl with dark complexion.
The mid-age lady was wearing a pricey hand made silk saree, so as the good-looking young woman showing off her fashionable two piece. The young one was talking with someone through a dazzling rose-gold iPhone, which was obviously an add on to her fashion statement.
The teen-age girl was wearing a simple & old two-piece. She was carrying a feeding bottle of the baby along with other belongings of the young lady. Her eyes were dark and very pretty. The eyeballs were looking around with blended surprise and fear. May be she was curious to ask something. Shikha’s observation was suddenly distracted by a ruthless voice- “Hey ! Come on…we need to go home”- which came from the fashionable young lady. All of them started moving out. For instance, Shikha thought something urgent might came up, so they are leaving the mall. After a while she realizes about the teen-age girl and upon asking by Mohan, she told everything. Furtherance, they decided to go and ask them about the girl.
Aunty, please listen- Shikha started talking with the mid-age woman.
Who’s the little girl. The woman replied that, she is a relative and came from her village to see the city with us.
We thought that, she might be working at your home- Mohan added.
No no ..no. not at all, she is just a relative.
Shikha pointing to Mohan said- As he is a social worker for child labor & protection, that’s why he was worried. And keeping a child as laborer at home or workplace is a punishable offense.
The mid-aged lady said- “We are the owner of this mall, and my husband is a big business man. In addition to this mall we have got 3 more in the city.”
After hearing the statement; the couple stood like a rock and saw them going out as a salient viewer.
Shikha said, “ We could have taught them a lesion”.
In reply to her, Mohan said- “Thank God, we haven’t made any derogatory remarks, or else they could go to any level considering their richness and reachability.”
She was not happy with the reply and uttered with frustration: “These kind of qualified and rich people are suppressing the dreams of the teen-age children”
Mohan agreed and said- “Yes, it aggravates child labor and the majour thing is that, at least we have raised a voice against it”